
Good Stuff In = Good Stuff Out: Tips for Healthy Eating

Dear Friends of Ferndale Food Bank,

As we all know, good nutrition helps reduce preventable diseases related to nutritional deficiencies and promotes healthy living. This month, certified Family Nurse Practitioner Erica Michaud volunteered at the Ferndale Food Bank and also offered some practical tips to help maintain a healthy lifestyle:

  • God stuff in, good stuff out

    (photo by lumpypudding)

    Try to eat at least 2 fresh fruits daily.

  • Make meals that combine whole grains, animal and plant protein, fruits, vegetables, and fat-free dairy products.
  • Whenever possible, plan weekly meals ahead of time to avoid eating out.
  • Choose less-processed bulk foods over highly processed microwave meals.
  • Choose iron-rich foods for children, a common deficiency. Foods containing iron include fish, poultry, egg yolks, peas, beans, whole-grain bread, raisins, and meats.
  • Common nutritional deficiencies in adults include magnesium and vitamin B-12. Foods such as leafy greens (Swiss chard and spinach), seeds, nuts, and dark chocolate contain magnesium. Vitamin B-12 rich foods include meat and fish (salmon and sardines).
  • Avoid sugary drinks. Limit milk to 1–2 servings per day as a beverage.
  • Use healthy oils, such as olive, canola and coconut oil.
  • Double or triple your recipe from bulk ingredients and freeze for later.
Erica helps with food requests in the distribution area

Erica helps with food requests in the distribution area

Remember to eat modest portions that meet your daily caloric needs and stay active. Physical activity, such as brisk walking, jogging, and swimming motivates individuals to select better foods. In addition to lowering the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and high blood pressure, exercise and a healthy diet can also lower the risk of many different cancers, including breast, colon, kidney, pancreas, and esophagus.

Erica Michaud, F.N.P.

Erica Michaud, F.N.P.

“Healthy eating is possible with a tight budget. Making smart choices each day will enhance the health of your family and teach your children lifelong healthy eating habits,” says Erica.

“In other words, good stuff in, good stuff out. Nutrition directly impacts your body, mind, and soul.”

Tip: Try this recipe for delicious and Easy Disappearing Zucchini.

Easy Recipe: Disappearing Zucchini

Courgette_J1Dear FFB Friends,

Everyone knows how important it is to eat our vegetables. Zucchini is one of the easiest vegetables to prepare and serve and is also easy to grow in a home garden. This summer squash can reach nearly a yard in length, although it’s generally harvested at half that size.

Health tip: Consuming raw or grilled zucchini counts toward the nine 1/2-cup servings of fruits and vegetables you should consume each day, according to the Harvard School of Public Health.

Recipe: Here’s a healthy recipe for zucchini that tastes good and is good for you. Continue reading